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Sales Conferences, Meetings, Trade Shows
Ordering Early for Year End Gift Giving
Dare I Say “Fall”

Getting back to planning for Fall events. Is that a dreaded four-letter word when we are just beginning August? It’s tough to swallow but it’s time to start some planning.Fall is a busy time for conferences and trade shows.

  • Fall is the time to start thinking about year-end gift giving.
  • Fall starts us back into a routine after summer vacations.
  • Fall is pretty and colourful with cooler air and bright skies … okay I’m trying to make you feel better that I’m talking about
  • Fall in the middle of summer πŸ™‚

Really, the point is that it is time to start planning for giveaways, branded materials and gifts. As much as our delivery-systems are quicker than they were a few years ago, an early start will guarantee that you get exactly what you want when you want.

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