Do Promotional Products Work? Look Around You!
Check your office. You may be using a mousepad with an advertiser’s name on it. Or it could be a USB drive or other computer accessory, a coffee mug or refillable water bottle, a calendar hanging on your wall… if yours is like most businesses, odds are you have many promotional products that you use on a regular basis.
Check your home. The pen you write your grocery list with or the notepad you write it on and the reusable bag you’ll bring those groceries home in. That favourite weekend t-shirt that you got from that fundraiser you went to, or the hat you were given by the new local business that opened in your neighbourhood…
It’s everywhere … and your brand should be part of it!
Promotional products not only advertise the business featured; they ostensibly advertise their own effectiveness. Every time you use one for its intended purpose, you are also proving why you too should be using them to promote your business.
(taken from promoquest.ca)